


fan search icon FLEXIBILITY

On the basis of required parameters of the installation, efficiency and power of motors we are able to rebuild or design new solution, each time meeting individual needs of the Customer.

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Having two design offices hiring 10 designers, each of them being a specialist in designing of different type of equipment is a big advantage. It allows us to prepare a required solution in a very quick time, as well as to adjust the existing equipment for new requirements of the Customer and installation.

fan search icon EFFICIENCY


Our 60 year activity on the market and 30 year experience in designing with support of academic and outside specialists resulted in capability of creation of unique solutions.

Design tasks are handled by two specialized design offices:

  • Land projects – design unit of Nyborg-Mawent’s Technical Department, where we map out untypical requirements of Customers and create new designs widening our offer range.
  • Marine and offshore projects – handled by Nyborg Mawent Design Office, a part of Nyborg Group. It deals with design of devices, ventilation and air conditioning systems, strength, flow and thermal analyses as well as industry consulting.

All projects in Nyborg Group are created by qualified and experienced engineers using the latest 3D CAD software, including Solid Edge, Solid Works. The technical thought is implemented with the use of extensive machine park, allowing for production of devices with high precision and desired tolerance class.

The equipment assembly and testing departments are made up of technicians with many years of experience, who ensure the accuracy of workmanship and correct operation of all devices, so that the customer receives a product that meets his expectations.